

It’s seems important to have markers—points along the continuum to clearly state something has ended and something has begun. And even though most people seem drawn towards delineations on some level, there’s something about having kids that really pushes the demand for recording the beginnings and the ends.

It starts with birth and quickly becomes first foods, words, and steps. Just as you record one marker another has already passed, and pretty soon you just can’t keep up. But today was a clear marker that’s pretty easy to name but hard to consolidate into a concise description that captures everything that was experienced.


Unschoolery: A Look Beyond Limitations


Our oldest has just entered her fifth year of public school with our middle child entering her second, and it's becoming more and more clear, every day, that much of what I read about school from around the country is true for us: public education is broken. I am not an education expert, nor do I play one on TV, but it seems to be that even at some of the "best" schools, education and learning is still about getting good grades to get a good job to make money to buy stuff. And how to get good grades still looks very similar to my primary school education 20+ years ago. In fact, the rubric for success in school is basically the same, too (i.e. turn in your homework, do well on tests, don't rock the boat, etc.).


Never Saw Signs Like This in My School Bathroom



Jury Duty: Like Being Back in High School


I got called for jury duty today and we’re on our first break. Somehow being released for 15 minutes just brought a wave of feelings from high school. Where you’re released for a short time and everyone swarms outside to get every minute of freedom and sunshine. I find myself wishing I had some homies to hacky sack with. Next I guess I get to have flashbacks of who I have lunch with and remembering all those ridiculous lunchtime conversations that only teenagers can be engrossed in.